Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Can I print a document (eg: flight confirmation, visa paperwork)?

A. Due to a lot of abuse, we no longer offer printing or computer rental services on site. However, we are happy to recommend local businesses (within walking distance) that can assist you with these needs. Just ask!


Q. Can I make international calls?

A. We do not offer this service, but you can make with your own with your computer via Skype and other services. We even have a dedicated Skype room which you can reserve if you need a quiet and private area to make your call. It has the same incredibly strong WiFi that we use in our main coworking space.


Q. Is the place safe?

A. Absolutely! Unlike working from a cafe or public area, when you’re here you can go lunch, dinner, restroom, etc without worrying about the safety of your belongings.


Q. I need really fast Internet...I work online!

A. Cool, that’s exactly what we are designed we gotcha covered! We have 150 Mbps dedicated (we share resources) internet - the fastest available in Siem Reap.


Q. Does that mean all cloud services will be fast?

A. Dropbox is slow in Cambodia no matter where you are or what strength connection you have, but uploading to G-drive or YouTube is super fast. It depends which service you are using and where their servers are located.


Q. Is the Skype Room sponsored by Skype?

A. No, it simply means you can make your calls there. It is a quiet and private room which you are able to reserve ahead of time.


Q. I have an important meeting and I need a private place for 3 hours; I don’t need coworking.

A. No problem. We have a private meeting room which you can reserve for 5 USD/hour.


Q. I am an online English teacher; can I teach my classes in the coworking space?

A. Since we pride ourselves in offering an environment which is conducive to getting work done, we can’t allow that because it would potentially impact the work of our other guests. We suggest that you book a private room in our coliving space; you will have access to strong wifi in your room, as well as the privacy you need in order to give your lessons.


Q. Is the facility quiet?

A. We have a respectful environment and our coworking space has one rule of conduct - the “headphone rule”- to prevent you from being interrupted when you are deep in thought. Please note that we are in a tropical environment, so if you venture outdoors you are likely to hear birds, geckos and cats scurrying about.


Q. Can we put twin beds in the private rooms?

A. No, we only have queen sized bed in the private rooms


Q. Is the internet speed the same in the Coworking Space and in the bedrooms?

A. Yes. The internet speed is the same. The bedrooms are located just above our coworking space.

AngkorHub Coworking & Coliving announces permanent closure and invites sign-ups for future projects.

Dear all, It is with a heavy heart that we announce the permanent closure of AngkorHub Coworking & Coliving.

We want to express our deepest gratitude to our members and friends who have been part of our community throughout the years.

Despite our efforts to keep our space running, we have unfortunately had to make the difficult decision to close our doors permanently.

We know this news may be disappointing, but we want to assure you that we are exploring new opportunities and projects. If you want to stay updated on our future endeavours, we invite you to sign up for our mailing list.

We promise to keep you in the loop on any exciting new projects or initiatives we pursue.

Thank you again for your support and for joining the AngkorHub Coworking & Coliving community.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

Sincerely, The AngkorHub Coworking & Coliving Team

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