Project Y Frozen Yogurt

How would it be if we all dedicate at least 2 hours a week to a social cause?

Few weeks ago when I started my volunteering at AngkorHUB I had the chance to attend to one of the weekly events that are organized here.

The Cambodia Rural School Trust Foundation (CRST) was giving a talk about their project of supporting the education of young Cambodians. I was amazed to hear how through the help of various sponsors what was once a dream is now a reality.

Although when I was at university I heard about social entrepreneurship and sustainable social projects, for some reason was until that day that I truly wanted to be part of it.  The foundation had recently opened Project Y, a frozen yogurt shop and told us how through it is that now they collect more funds to support their operations.

“Breaking poverty through education” the message resonated with me.

I approached some of the members of CRST and offered them advice regarding education overseas, sales and marketing. Subjects that I have been involved with for the past years and that I love too.

Perhaps because the travelling has made me more compassionate or maybe because I feel I have the time to do something for someone else…

Anyway, there I was, motivated and determined to do it.

Project Y Frozen Yougurt

At Project Y store and with its great staff: young Cambodians of the CRST foundation.

They were happy to have me and we agreed on three days where I would:

  • Give a talk to the students on how to get scholarships abroad once they were finished with their studies in Cambodia.
  • A day helping the operations by selling yogurt at the shop.
  • A day providing feedback and best practices to improve sales and marketing of the shop based on my experience at the shop and my knowledge on the subject.

The result? Three amazing days, in which they got fresh ideas and a different perspective to what they do. And I learnt about the challenges that a social enterprise faces plus I got the overall satisfaction of contributing to the community.

There were 6 hours of my time in 8 days, or what is the same: a 6% of my active time ([8 days * 12 active hours]/ 6 hours of social work). 6% that was used to transmit some of my skills and expertise to people that benefited from it.

6% of my time, in which I was not expecting anything in exchange besides the inner satisfaction that it would bring.

Some hours of my time that could have potentially impacted the life of those people in one way or another.

Call me an idealist but we all know when we have given our best and I felt that. I believe that if we share with someone else what we are good at or even if we have the genuine intention to help them, amazing things could happen.

Now at AngkorHUB we offer two different volunteer programs for all of those digital nomads that want to contribute during their stay.

If you are one of them we invite you to check our Digital Nomad Mentorship program or our Give a Workshop page.

2 hours of your week can signify and entire new reality to many more.  


by David M.

Writer and scholarship advisor at

Vivir Viajar Amar

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AngkorHub Coworking & Coliving announces permanent closure and invites sign-ups for future projects.

Dear all, It is with a heavy heart that we announce the permanent closure of AngkorHub Coworking & Coliving.

We want to express our deepest gratitude to our members and friends who have been part of our community throughout the years.

Despite our efforts to keep our space running, we have unfortunately had to make the difficult decision to close our doors permanently.

We know this news may be disappointing, but we want to assure you that we are exploring new opportunities and projects. If you want to stay updated on our future endeavours, we invite you to sign up for our mailing list.

We promise to keep you in the loop on any exciting new projects or initiatives we pursue.

Thank you again for your support and for joining the AngkorHub Coworking & Coliving community.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

Sincerely, The AngkorHub Coworking & Coliving Team

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